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Synopsis of Meeting of Thursday, April 22, 2010
Present: Karen, Susie, Jim, Donna C., Louise, Sue
1.  The meeting was called to order at 4:05 p.m. by Karen.
  There was acceptance of the March 25, 2010 Meeting Minutes.
2.  The WFP served 120 families in April, with more new families again.  There was a lot of food distributed, including fresh fruits and vegetables and a lot of protein.
3.  WARF granted 1 request, 3-4 requests being completed, and perhaps 5-6 requests in the pipeline (and may have been for a while).  The request was made of Louise that there be a quarterly report with the number of requests granted, dollar amount, the number of requests received, and the number of families helped even with just information via the booklet, etc.
4.  Jack was unable to attend the meeting, however, there was a request made that the fundraising sign have an “end of the season” update painted on it.
5.  Donna Fitch was also unable to attend, but the suggestion was made that the Energy audit piece that Johnny did be re-run for the summer months.  Louise and Johnny are in the process of putting together the last of the PSAs, this one on WARF and fuel assistance information.
6.  Susie will be overseeing the addition of any new material for the booklet.  Information will still be gathered at the Senior Center.  Susie suggested that the current information listed be checked prior to the next edition for Nov./Dec. 2010, the date depending on the number of booklets being distributed during Holden Days (see below).  The possibility of NHS students doing the fact-checking over the summer or in September was discussed.  Karen will pursue this question.
7.  Jim presented financial information for the period ending 3/31/10.  Total receipts were $1250.00, including $200.00 specifically designated for the Emergency bags.  Total disbursements were $2,429.05, with the most recent ratio of disbursements to receipts of around 60%.
8.  Both Jacquie and Rich were unable to attend the meeting.
9.  Holden Days was discussed with the suggestion being made that we will not have a booth, but rather a presence at the following booths: HMLD, clergy, WFP, Library, Senior Center, Fire Department, Police Department, Miles Funeral Home, etc.  There are about 100 magnets and approximately 1.5 boxes of booklets left for distribution.  The thought was to display an emergency bag at each H@H “location” with a sign stating, “If you’d like one or know someone who needs one, please visit the Senior Center to sign up.”  This way, we an order more if we need them.
Louise mentioned that the Senior Center is giving away the bags at Volunteer Appreciation Day and including a File of Life magnet, the information received from the Cape Conference, along with the Emergency Preparedness sheet.
It was suggested that there be a large sign at a central location at Holden Days listing the places where H@H information can be obtained.
10.  Toys for Tots will be doing its sign-up at the WFP distribution in October, then distributing the gifts at the November distribution and the next Resource Fair (3rd week in November?), which would be the same Saturday.
11.  Joe’s suggestion of the Power Point presentation using the photographs taken by Ira Hoffman for the purpose of making a presentation to the Board of Selectmen was not discussed.
12. It was decided to have a monthly meeting on the 4th Thursday of every month.  The next meeting will be on either Friday, June 18th or Saturday, June 19th or Friday, June 25th or Saturday, June 26th at Karen and Gene’s house, with food and beverages!
13. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.